i used this chapter's blocks to also bring a bit more gray back in to the quilt. i think for awhile it went to a bold color filled way that while i love those blocks, it needed more of a middle ground between some of my much lighter blocks. block 4 in this set even features a very velcro (one of our own real life kitty boys, not the sewing notion) looking kitty as well as a little elroy looking cat in the center. just needs a little pink nose on him!
this chapter also makes me want to have a quilt entirely of the first block you're about to see. it is such a cute little block!
our monthly class has dwindled a bit in those attending, last few months there were just the bare minimum of us. i so hope that everyone finishes it up, because so many people had cool project ideas... and cat fabric themes!
i still feel like i have so much to learn in the realm of fussy cutting, but it also seems i may have sparked the interest of my mom with this project. perhaps i'll have to loan her my book when this is all over so she can make a cat filled fussy cut quilt herself... if you saw her cat fabric collection, you'd instantly know where i get it from!