Friday, August 31, 2018

fussy cut sampler - chapter 8

in contrast to last month's blocks being done moments before the month ended, these ones were finished just days in to the month!  our fussy cut class was actually on the first of the month, which also made this a 5 wednesday month.  it feels like it has been forever since i finished these guys, but looking at the photos of them again makes me so happy.  something about the fabrics and the blocks just clicked, and once i knew what ideas i had in place, i didn't second guess a single thing.
i used this chapter's blocks to also bring a bit more gray back in to the quilt.  i think for awhile it went to a bold color filled way that while i love those blocks, it needed more of a middle ground between some of my much lighter blocks.  block 4 in this set even features a very velcro (one of our own real life kitty boys, not the sewing notion) looking kitty as well as a little elroy looking cat in the center.  just needs a little pink nose on him!
this chapter also makes me want to have a quilt entirely of the first block you're about to see.  it is such a cute little block!
this all means we are at 3/4 of the way done... INSANE!
our monthly class has dwindled a bit in those attending, last few months there were just the bare minimum of us.  i so hope that everyone finishes it up, because so many people had cool project ideas... and cat fabric themes!
i still feel like i have so much to learn in the realm of fussy cutting, but it also seems i may have sparked the interest of my mom with this project.  perhaps i'll have to loan her my book when this is all over so she can make a cat filled fussy cut quilt herself... if you saw her cat fabric collection, you'd instantly know where i get it from!

Monday, August 27, 2018

100 days 100 blocks - 41-50

one thing about this set of blocks is that they didn't involve as much fussy cutting as other groups of 10 have so far.  that might be the best for these triangles, since some of them were a little crazy to get through!  it will (hopefully) also help balance out the quilt with a mix of fussy cuts and a mix without... ideally i won't have accidentally used the same colors for the color only blocks.  there's no turning back now, these blocks are done and waiting for the rest of their friends to get completed!

Friday, August 17, 2018

100 days 100 blocks - 31-40

now in this section of blocks, we have a few things that went down.
first off, we cross in to the section of triangles.  whoot whoot!
secondly, this is when i decided i really needed a third selection of fabric to regularly choose from to balance out my blocks.  knowing that the dimples line of fabric existed in many of the same colors and blended as a perfect accent to the fun of the foundations fabric and the excellence that is moda grunge.  it also help me not feel so "stuck" and relieved the stress of potentially running out of foundations fabric.
and last of all, this section also features the first blocks that i decided to redo before i could ever let them cross the face of the interwebs.  well, that isn't 100% true, since i also let the rejected versions get posted to instagram on the day each one was to be shared as well.  overall, i am so much happier with how the redone versison fits with my other blocks in the quilt so far, so if you're not on instagram, you might just have to guess which one it is ;)
give up on guessing?
or just not wanting to click on over to instagram?
well, blocks 31 & 40 used to look like this for a bit.
i really liked the dark with number 31, but as a whole in the quilt it just felt really heavy and the more i tried to balance them out (like by adding it in to block 40) i just really didn't like it.  my eye kept going to the dark section and not to the fun dancing girls given to me by angelina or the cuteness of winnie the pooh and all his fun faces.  midtone gray is apparently as dark as i can get on this project without it being obvious.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

100 days 100 blocks - 21-30

i feel like it took FOREVER to have this officially start, and now i feel like we are just zooming through them now!  i mean, we've nearly a third of the way through!  this batch of blocks is still working it's way through the rectangles, and includes some of my favorites of the set.  feeling pretty strong about my fussy cut game as well, so that is a plus!  who would have thought i'd find enjoyment in such a thing?  i sure didn't!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

fussy cut sampler - chapter 7

so lets take some time to get real.
these blocks were so close to not being done within the month, it isn't even funny.
i got in the zone with working on my 100 day 100 blocks, and my brain kept telling me to work on my fussy cut sampler.  that, plus my work schedule made it so i wasn't able to attend the scheduled class AND maker monday in july, which have been where i planned the blocks as well as sewed them.  PLUS, these blocks were a little trickier than before, involving things like cutting in to a tossed print and creating a focal point out of them as well as using a solid fabric to eliminate all surroundings to isolate the image.  well... i went through like a bajillion ideas before i hit these finalized blocks that i am now thrilled with.
so yeah... i started pulling the fabric on the 22nd and cutting on the 28th.
when did i finish sewing?  last night, and then i photographed these 10 minutes before i ran out of daylight.  crunch time, y'all.  but boy does it feel good to have these done in time for class TODAY to get ready for the next batch of blocks.  well, without further adieu, here's july's blocks!
i'm still trying to wrap my brain around having 7 chapters worth of blocks done now.
i'm also trying to stop myself from buying more fabric and involve some of these in to blocks again... even though i JUST bought more fabric yesterday... oops!
but at the same time... sorry, not sorry.
i easily have enough cat & dinosaur fabric to make a few different renditions of this quilt.  which is pretty exciting to say the least.  how many dinosaur, cat & cat/dinosaur quilts will there be in my life?  we'll have to wait and see!