- for this year's dance recital, we have a very simaler costume to a dance we did last year. so with that, i decided i would see if my old junior prom dress still fit... and it does. holla! only problem was that the sleeves were a little restricting, so i took those babies off and we've now made it a ribbon strap. and lucky ben gets to match wearing pink.
- token fortune cookie for the month i guess. unexpected situations... like the random choice to go back to school? hmm... perhaps :)
- i photographed a house for one of the loomis building inspectors out in folsom mid month of may. and MAN was the view amazing. i could totally live with that being what i see from my back yard. i still have to go back and do a few more detail shots of rooms when they're finished completely, so that's something to look forward to.
- ah yes, the great chaperon trip. forever and a day on a school bus, but the end result was well worth it. though, our knight didn't win this time around... what a bummer.
- disneyland was awesome. mine was the "woody face" ticket.
- mickey mouse pretzels are awesome. and of course, the non instagram full disneyland post.
- mushu... what a cat. a few of them have been incredibly attention needy some days, and of course, mushu was having an "i'm so cute" night flopping around on my bed. until i shoved him to one side. seriously. he takes up way too much bed space.
- with going back to school, i also decided to do another "go back" this month, and resign up for calfamfitness again... it was just an added bonus that there was a sierra college discount. like it was meant to be. i've got a general idea of how things are going to happen when school actually starts, but for right now it's very hit and miss since i've signed on for a lot of picked up shifts. bryan generally plays basketball on tuesday & thursday nights, so i've taken those as my "for sure" opportunity to hit the gym and spy on him while he plays.
- my "other boyfriend" gave me a flower last thursday. well, at least bits of one. my little man santino from the dance studio came in, fist clenched tight and left me that little potpourri collection on my table. that little guy cracks me up. definitely keeps me entertained for sure!
and yeah, there was a whole lot of stripes going on that night. not even to mention the three guys who all showed up in the same color scheme of plaid shirts. we also played a game called "quelf" which we gradually gave up on because it was taking FOREVER to get around the game board with 11 or so people playing. entertaining game, but totally for a smaller group of people. :)