this month, i did the process of making my blocks a little differently.
at the monthly class, i simply cut and planned. mostly because this whole "transparency" concept was making my brain hurt. i picked out a few more yellows to intertwine, since i didn't have anything to represent a lighter shade. i also threw in some lighter blues, in hopes to balance out that color since all i had so far was navy, navy and more navy. no shame in that, but was trying to figure out how to bridge the gap between the dark and light. this chapter sure helped that! i also finally got to use some of my new cat fabric that i've been dying to use - you'll see it on block 4, which i've been planning out in my brain since i knew what it consisted of (scale).
so here are my blocks, 2 of which i love, 1 of which i tolerate (it is the only block in the book that doesn't really fit any fussy cuts. don't get me wrong, i like it, it is just missing a cat or a dinosaur!) and 1 block that i'm still debating if i tolerate it or if i will re do it to add said missing cat or dinosaur.
i still need to look in to more dinosaur prints, as to add some variety in to the next blocks.
believe me, i have my etsy cart filled with a few ready to go, just waiting for that paycheck to hit!
i actually sewed all four of my blocks together at maker monday, which might be my new strategy to get these done each month. if i use the time on the first class of the month to plan and cut, then i can just sew the other times... AND i will only have to haul my machine once. that might be the stronger selling point. especially if i plan to have my machine serviced at some point. anywho...
here's the month's blocks hanging out together! as you can see, i'm trying to step back on my yellow and bring some green back in again.