Tuesday, January 5, 2021

26 in 21 - an introduction

 well here we are, in 2021.
yeah, i know i mentioned a quilt post after the 2020 round up, but new years day on a friday really threw me for a loop...
but it's coming tomorrow!

in the meantime, i'm here to share with you my newest crazy venture as a result of what 2020 put us all through.
through the 15 minute a day challenges, to the bullet journal trackers, 2020 left me with needing something big and bold to really push me out of my comfort zone.  block party with emily was doing that to an extent with cali quilt co, but i was really needing a personal challenge that would be all my own.
whelp.  here it is.

26 in 21 has become the reality of what my comfort zone pushing needed.
the plan:  26 quilts made from start to finish every 2 weeks in 2021.
you read that correctly.
one quilt, two weeks, start to finish.
from fabric pull & cutting to quilting and binding.
yes, my brain is about to explode on it's own, so you're in good company!

i created my intro video last week, so you can take a look at that here:

so now the plan is that on tuesdays, the videos will drop regularly.  each quilt should end up with three videos, that is only if i mapped it out correctly.  video one will be an intro video, video two will be an in progress update, and video three will be the quilting, binding and final reveal.
some of my projects i've already got planned ahead, and others might end up flying by the seat of my pajama pants when they roll around.  the good news is, that january is planned in it's entirety.  so that's 3 down, 23 to go!

oh, did you notice i said videos would drop on tuesdays?  did you also notice that today was tuesday?
well, here you go!

in reality, my plan is that this will keep me finishing projects all at once, instead of having a quilt top linger forever... such an example would be the great juniper berry quilt of 2020.  top was done in march, but for some reason, i didn't get it finished until DAYS before christmas.
and i have nobody to blame but myself.

so here's to a new adventure in 2021, unlike any i've done before.
i'll be making these 26 projects, block party projects, and even more exciting (and possibly even non-quilty) things to come!
i'm also trying to track my fabric intake vs. outgoing this year... 
so wish me luck on THAT reality check!

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