Monday, April 30, 2018

fussy cut sampler - chapter 4

in the midst of all that went on this month, i still managed to get all of my chapter work done this month!  i bought more fabric, even though i said i wouldn't, but at least i already put it to good use!  it was this month that i realized i had a lot of BOLD blocks, and thought i would try toning some of my upcoming colors down a bit.  my struggle currently resides in the fact i bought so much navy that i really don't have any middle blues to bridge the gap at the moment... and i'm REALLY trying to not buy anything more... but i already did that last week when i found myself at thistle dew in fair oaks.  again, sorry not sorry... more about that shopping trip later.
i've come to find, and i think my fellow fussy cats have as well, that the class time together is best spent planning and cutting, then sewing them together at a later date - in my case, i've used maker monday evenings to do them which really seems to work great since they are more portable than some of my full quilt top projects.  and yes, i'm still working to keep that equal balance of cats, dinosaurs & cats/dinosaurs!  it is harder than i thought it would be!  that might also be why i keep buying fabric...
and just like that, chapter 4 is done.
hard to believe that in just 2 days, chapter 5 will be beginning!
as the school year comes to an end and the summer camp days inch closer, i REALLY hope my work schedule doesn't mess with my fussy cut class attendance!  i need those social sewing days, that's for sure.  i'm looking forward to finding out what my next batch is going to look like, so stay tuned!

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