Tuesday, February 11, 2020

this is LITERALLY a guess who game

a few years ago, my sister pinned a customized guess who game on her pinterest board, and i thought "i could easily make that"
well, the years went by, and i didn't... until this year.
i thought "sure, i could make it just parks & rec... but that would be too basic"
so i went a little overboard.
my sister, much like myself, not only appreciates parks & rec, but also the good place and brooklyn 99.  and if those weren't enough, i decided to get a little nostalgic and make one based off our childhood... childhood cats, that is!
how i did it was pretty simple.  i purchased a guess who game from a local goodwill, and took out all of the cards that came with it (half of which are still on my desk... whoops)
after measuring the cards, i made a photoshop document with a bunch of rectangles to become clipping masks... then the internet search began.
finding a solid 24 characters for each show was a little harder than anticipated!  brooklyn 99 definitely got some deep dives with a few guest actors who were there for MAYBE one episode (like lin manuel miranda as david santiago), 3 different janets made it on to the board (this was before the disco janet episode, or she would have been there too) and parks & rec had an oops where i started with barney the accountant, switched him for perd hapley, and then the different card sizes didn't match characters when printed because the updated file didn't save.  insert facepalm here.  haha.
i sent the prints out, after multiple personal printer fails all around, and once i trimmed them down, they were TOO SMALL.
i decided to grab 2 different colors of cardstock and make backings for all the mini cards, which would also help make sure that you had all the cards for one board and not 2 of the same character, i.e. 2 dereks... or MAXIUMUM DEREK.
i found these cute little envelopes at hobby lobby, which made have been a little too small once all the cards were done, but they serve their purpose!
i painted the box lid by first tracing the paper from underneath and then repeated the layers with acrylic paint about 3 times.  i had purchased a paint pen, but immediately misplaced it... only to find it later when i went to throw out the original guess who box.  oops.
here's to hoping my sister and her husband have many guess who game nights, where the clues include "is your sister the woooooorst?" and "are you not a girl and not a robot?"

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