Friday, June 26, 2020

black, white & pink fast lane lap quilt

ah yes... another quarantine quilt finished.
much like the patriotic picnic quilt, this was another project that i had chopped up last year on a whim, simply because i was in the mood to cut things out.  fast forward about a year, quarantine hit, and i needed something to sew!  this one was also on my UFO challenge list for the year and in all honesty, i didn't know how it was going to turn out.  
i seriously started cutting this fabric thinking it was going to be a HOT mess, and continued to feel that way as i was piecing things together.  but once it was all in block form and ready to go, i could see the final crazy picture.  and you know what... it is just so crazy that it works REALLY well.
the pattern itself calls for 10" squares, which instead of using a charm pack, i used a bunch of black and white prints.  these prints were from YEARS ago when i made ties to raffle off for a march of dimes fundraiser as well as a few other projects.  i didn't have the correct measurements for some of the other pieces, so i just cut my fabric and hoped for the best.  
the inner pink came from my pudgecat vent quilt, and once i ran out of that, i added in the outer hot pink to be the middle border.  i'm not quite sure where that came from though...  the green came from my 2015 halloween costume, where i dressed up as disgust from inside out, and then later scraps turned in to snails for my garden snails 2.0 quilt, which i absolutely kept.  the tie dye strips came from an apron created during the great apron party of 2018 which helped be the perfect connection between the black and white, pink and green.  i'm not 100% sure where the black came from though... but i know it was the PERFECT amount!
once this quilt was finished, i knew it needed quilting that would complement it, but not quite compete with it.  this rose pantograph was perfect for that, since it helped soften things up without competing for attention.  i used my light blue thread on it, to tie in with the blue of the tie dye, but also contract with the black border just enough to look really cool.  then, i only had to worry about a small portion of things looking perfect.  well... we won't zoom in on those oops moments anyways!
the ONLY thing i purchased for this quilt was the binding, which was looking pretty iffy for a second.  the racks of cotton were wiped out, but luckily, this neon green was there and was the perfect way to balance the skinny row of green flowers and help it look as intentional as it was. i didn't even purchase batting... i wish i took a full photo of some of my frankenstein monster masterpieces... they were INTENSE.
the back of this quilt... that was a case of "just a little bit more... no just a liiiiiiiittle bit more" like no other.  i started piecing. then had to add another strip.  then another.  then i was afraid i was running out of fabric so i had to add in a third.  by the last chunk, i was piecing 4 pieces together just to have one long strip.  but it coordinates well enough, right?  i think so anyways...
at least you don't see the front and the back at the same time.  unless you're using your quilt in a weird way.  anyways.... i do love how the roses pop out on the backing and really create texture here that you don't see on the front because of all the prints.
i probably could have easily convinced myself to keep this quilt as well.
BUT the goal is to eliminate fabric stash to buy more pretty stuff for me to stash and look at, right?
just say yes.
i think this pattern turned out quite well, and would love to see it in a totally different color way.  maybe something more autumnal or pastel. these colors were BOLD and there is no denying that in any way.  it is pretty fun to be able to look at a project and be able to recall all the projects that came before it.  this feels like a weird ancestral call back.  someone awaken the great stone dragon!

pattern: fast lane
quilt count: 135

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