Monday, June 1, 2020

no more may today

can you believe we've made it to june?
may was starting to feel just as long as march did... and it was starting to get REAL BAD over here, guys.
physically, mentally, emotionally... all over the place.
but we're here!  we made it!
how did the last week of may span out?  let's dive in.
monday was memorial day, and we decided to brave joann's.
we (mom and i) went to the furthest one in our area, since we hadn't scoured the flannel at that location like we had the other two closer to us.  at first we were going to go after lunch, but a quick change of plans got us there 2 minutes before opening and in the door in the first wave.  after about 30 minutes in the storem we had flannel, binding and a few skeins of yarn.  once we came out, the line had already grown and wrapped the building in the other direction.  thank goodness for our change of plans or we would have been there in the hot hot heat.  and monday wasn't even the worst day!
hung around my parents for a bit, made some chex mix and then headed back home to do exciting things like finally take off my flannel sheets.
tuesday was a work day.  back to the grind of it all.
i also knocked out the rest of my masks needed for my aunt's staff and battled the tiredness 
wednesday i was able to pop in a zoom "graduation" call for a few of my preschoolers, and it was the cutest thing ever.  and made my heart so sad at the same time.
3 pairs of pajama pants were completed, and i bought 2 new quilt patterns from then came june, and i already have plans for one of them very soon!
all i can really remember is moving things around in my classroom to get ready for the new version of summer camp.  i'd like to blame the heat for the forgetfulness.  this should have been the last day of prek, where we all got to go to the park, hang out, play and look at our memory books, but instead we have been apart for 2 and a half months now and it has been so bizarre.
friday was another long day at work, and it felt like every time we got the ball rolling, it was time to clock out.  once 3pm hit, i went to the chiropractor and then home.  a smiden later, i got chickfila for the first time in forever before settling in to get ready for our friday night hang out zoom call.  i revamped my set up and got it loaded on my ipod so i could sit and make binding while chatting (my laptop is still elsewhere) and managed to bind one of my quilts as well.
saturday came, so i rolled out of bed, got ready and delivered the village quilt to jenny for her unbirthday.  i told her it was an open adoption, because the longer it took to make that quilt, the more i wanted to make sure it went to someone who would take good care of it and then i'd see it every so often when she does posts.  after a stop at in n out (long time craving with always long lines) i delivered masks and pjs to my aunt before returning to my dungeon.  granted, it was much cooler than two days prior, so it was an easy decision to bind 2 more quilts, get some jimboys and plan out some future projects.
sunday was a lazy day for sure.  
lugged my 3 finished quilts to my parents to photograph (having nowhere to hang them at my apartment as well as no useful human quilt holder) and left them all there because they're getting donated.  boy is that a bitter sweet (and slightly weird) feeling, since i started to really really like 2 of the 3 quilts in the batch turned out.  though i did come home with my mom's wall hanging to finish, since the binding fabric is being shipped here since i FINALLY found some.
this means that the last quilt i have to bind is the jelly roll race 2.0, which is taking a little longer since i committed to only using my stash as well as doing the time lapse video sets.  i surveyed instagram regarding the binding color, so once that is finalized, then finishing things will be underway!
here's to another monday to kick off the week.
i'll be working a full week this week, which will prepare me to go back to the job that has been on pause all this time that i've returned to child care.
i'm super excited! (and no, that's not sarcastically said either)

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