after a friday night of joann's shopping, followed by a weekend of cutting, ironing & sewing... i have things to check off from the previous list! here is what has been completed/begun:
wedding gift A
wedding gift E - all fabric has been purchased, prepared, & cut in order to continue on this next week!
t-shirt quilt E
"thank you" onsie set - onsies & paint have been purchased
t-shirt quilt J - this was the biggest overhaul this weekend. everything went from being full t-shirts to quilt strips in a matter of two days. it is currently on hold in order to obtain the next set of fabric for sashing and backing.
scrappy square quilt - my mom has dug through her scrap stash and weeded out a whole lot of fabric, leaving pieces for me to cut squares from. since the last update, i have added a whopping 71 squares to the pile, now totalling 383 squares!
baby boy shower quilt - done and delivered!
wedding gift K
wedding gift M - i now know what i'm doing, and have hopefully purchased enough fabric for it. it is waiting to be pieced together, using yet a pattern i have never done before. eeps!
i'm hoping for another super productive week this week, between one project or another. i find that being away from the computer longer turns for a happier me by feeling a sense of productivity and having something to physically show for it. hopefully more craft ideas will churn out soon!