i last did a 365 in 2010, and for that, carried a dslr around with me in my purse for the entire year. the decision to lug a camera around with me again this year is what made me hesitant about it. i don't mind it, but i was just not sure i wanted to spend my project focusing on taking fabulous high quality photos, or just documenting my life as it happens. as you can see, i chose the latter. i love instagram. if you weren't able to tell already. granted, i've got a plethora of cat photos on there, but who doesn't? i've decided to use this media for the project since i always have my phone with me, and can enable it at a moment's notice. switching lenses, memory cards and all that... not so much. plus, it takes very minimal time to post and share, and then i can stay more in the moment of what's going on and not have to fumble with cameras. plus everything is square... no dealing with vertical & horizontal differences. i know, tough life, right?
so starting today, the official blog posts will happen on wednesday (providing i keep my act together and don't screw things up... again) but if you want to keep up with me daily as well as see the descriptions for each image, be sure to follow me on instagram @ wereradletshug i will also be adding #project365 from now on as a hashtag, and in the end be creating a blurb book of the year. so for today, here are weeks 1, 2 & 3 :)
happy still new-ish year to y'all
Blurb books! I plan on making a few at the end of this year!