so i thought this post would be easy.
and i thought it would be epic... since it is blog post #200 for the tp&oc blog.
i thought i would have all this time to reflect and figure out what i want out of 2014 that i didn't get in 2013... or that i wanted to get but slacked off at. i figured i would have this written DAYS ago, but i didn't i changed the date to one day later, simply to allow for one more day. but here i am, writing this after midnight... after i've put it off a thousand different ways (and nearly killing my elbow by seam ripping out basting from the catvent) but there is no escaping it. i've deleted and rewritted more times than i can count, but one thing is true. 2014 is here to stay. at least for another 363 days that is, and i'll probably find myself doing this all over again.
at the start of last year, i had six different ideas that i wanted to do. did i accomplish any of those things? probably not really. well, i worked at two gyms throughout 2013, and with that came the gym membership... but i haven't worked out at the gym since i was sick for a few weeks in october. yep. i'm literally AT the gym 4 days a week, but don't work out. don't judge me too much. on tuesday i looked back at what i did do in 2013, as well as a things i didn't. i don't feel horrible about the things i didn't do in 2013, because i did do quite a lot. i didn't plan to go back to school, but i did. i didn't plan to buy a new car, but i did. i didn't plan to shell out the money to go to disneyland twice, but i did. and that leads me to my point for 2014.
in 2014, i am still not sure what i want to plan for.
and i think that's okay.
i know i should try to get going in gym routine again like i was over the summer.
i want to travel. visit lisa in colorado, cica in new york, even meet up with stephanie, whether on her turf of new mexico, or if she comes here and visits san fran.
i want to be better at saving money, but i also don't want to be afraid to spend it for opportunities i wouldn't have if my life was tied down in other directions.
maybe i'll find "the one" this year, or maybe i'll just find myself meeting new people. either way, i just need to put myself out there, as un-fun as meeting new strangers sounds, it will be good for me. or at least make for good stories. in the meantime, i'll just build my collection of obscure one line e-mails that make me shake my head and say "did that really just happen?"
i should put myself out of my comfort zone. do things that scare me, make me uncomfortable, make my skin crawl. like go see a movie by myself... or get my shot record up to date. blech.
i hope to read more. i felt like i was accomplishing something when i was reading. or at least taking a step away from my reality. but then i got in a relationship and thought i didn't have time for reading, or sewing, or anything of my "alone time" pastimes. i just set a goal on goodreads for myself to read 10 books throughout the year. it sounds like such a low number, but i don't even know what school is going to be like for me this spring semester. if i can beat that 10, that would be great. providing that i go to the gym, i might actually defeat that goal with my reading & cardio machine combo.
i feel like i'm a pretty positive person, but i know i have room for improvement. i try to uplift my friends when they're down, but i also need to remember to look at the bright sides of my own situations.
i should find ways to volunteer. get myself out there and in the community.
i intend to photograph. a lot. like a lot more than i can even begin to imagine. sure, this is a business related intention, but it is the very thing i want to make a name for myself with. yes, i do have the passion for teaching like i am going to school for, but making ends meet to reach that photography goal is what it brings with it. i've worked hard to get my business to where it is right now, and i just need to keep pushing it to be the best of what it could be, and then some.
so there you have it folks.
my very noncommittal list of 2014 plans.
well, not really plans, more like ideas, things that sounds like fun, or ways to push myself.
see you all in 362 days to see the recap of what actually happened. but obviously you won't have to wait until then to know about it.
you'll have seen it happen.
You've done it. You've inspired me. You should get your shot record up to date :)