Thursday, January 1, 2015

hello, 2015

well here we are in 2015... can you believe it?
i took a look back at last year's "goals" and after not looking at them for an entire year, it is quite impressive to see how many i actually made happen.  or at least close to it.
i DID travel.  while i didn't make it to new york or new mexico, i did make it to colorado and spent a week there escaping reality.
i FEEL like i have done better with money saving.  i've been pretty consistent on my car payment, so that's a plus.  and besides a few expenses here and there (aka more car parts... ugh) my spending has been pretty minimal.  except when it comes to fabric store shopping for projects.  ha.
i THINK i've found a pretty groovy guy to call mine.  he even came with me to update my shot record.  two goals, one stone.
i was SUCCESSFUL in blogging more.  a total of 114 posts in 2014... not too shabby.  and that wasn't even the year that i did that 30 day blog posting goal.  though i can attribute about 50 of the posts to my 365 project...  so that's half of it right there.  oh, and that 365 project is officially complete!  the final post will go up tomorrow, but in the meantime, it is lovely to not have to panic when i miss a day or two or ten.
totally didn't meet the goal of reading more... but i started to read "the fault in our stars" the other night and knocked it out after a few days, so that's at least one to count on the finished list.  and a whole stack of others on my bookshelf that i've been collecting to read for months now.
still working on that "clean sweep" ever since 2013 started...  and again since i got my new bed this past july.  it's rough, let me tell you.  BUT i got my floor pretty much clean, and now it is down to the little things like one of my desks and the middle "entertainment center" which has a cd player i rarely use and a whole bunch of crafty books stuff.
in 2015, i think i want to:
keep doing what i'm doing.
all in all, i have ZERO complaints about 2014
i'm pretty excited to see what 2015 has in store for me, and i plan to make the best of it.
also, i may just make one of these, just to remember all the good times and can look back on it.
welcome to the new year, party people.
and on a hey, here's a super exciting update note...
ALL my catvent blocks are now DONE... as of 2am this morning.  i did exactly what i did not want to do and sewed about 20 cats in one night.  go figure.  i'm sure they'll show up on instagram sometime later today once i get them all stacked.  now it will be on to figuring out a layout and keeping these kitties in order.  seriously... herding cats.

1 comment:

  1. I LOL'd an embarrassing amount over that last "herding cats" comment.
