and here we go, in age progress order.
markham - 27
studying at BYU utah majoring in animation
spent a month in india
instrument of choice: saxophone
6'4" (see, i'm not the tallest one)
the one that called me "pebest"
used to eat ketchup on everything
disney movie that i relate to him: robin hood
joshua - 20
works for a staging & lighting company
choice instrument: french horn
lived on a train for two months, working for ringling brothers
thought he had a curse of not being able to own a car for 2 weeks without it being totaled by someone else. his most recent car purchase has broken that trend
once had a "dory" fish that literally played dead in his fish tank
couldn't spell "oats" for the longest time. no seriously.
oh. and i didn't want him. i wanted to stay at grandma's and play with barbies instead of getting him from the hospital with my dad
disney movie that correlates with him: finding nemo
aileen - 17
still at del oro, class of 2014
enjoys science. making up for the science that i didn't enjoy
music maker: mellphone during the fall, oboe during the spring
used to be in to ventriloquism (acquired from my dad) and has a large cat puppet he made called "cloud shrimp"
went through a beret wearing phase. still not sure on that one...
plans to do something "sciencey" after graduation
the reason why we have a fat orange siamese cat. and also the reason why my blog header has googly eyes and a mustache
disney movie that is "her": mulan
facts of sibling relations:
- we all did marching band at del oro. most of us all four years, markham joined his junior year (my freshman year)
- joshua's head chipped my front tooth. how? my dad was swinging him around my his feet. it's not a "massive" chip. but i can still feel it.
- aileen was the reason i passed out in a hospital once. we went to take her and mom home a few days after she was born, and they forgot to do a test on her. heel pricked, and then i hit the floor. super fun.
- my dad used to do "sissy stories" with aileen before bedtime (much like he would play barbies with me when i was little) when my dad wasn't there, markham took over and started doing them with her at night.
- every year we have our christmas card picture taken in the creek at donner mine. later in the year during the holiday season, there is usually some form of in front of the tree picture with everyone holding a cat.
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